About Us
Sigulda State Gymnasium (STG) is a higher secondary education institution. The foundation day of STG is considered to be 17th of November 1918. In the school rating Sigulda State Gymnasium is in the second place among the city gymnasiums in Latvia.
If we talk about Sigulda State Gymnasium strategic priorities, then the key words characterizing our school activities, are motivated students that study together with modern teachers in creative environment.The trend of school in general is the fact that we move to the more modern teaching methods, so we think more and more about interactive lessons in which the child has an opportunity to be more active than the teacher.We strongly think about the environment, which is related to the development of sports education and the folk dance, the instrument game and vocal pedagogy.
In this educational institution in general study about 600 students with whom work 50 teachers in four education programs – lower secondary and three upper secondary education programs. What is important – 13 of these teachers have the highest professional qualification. Part of the teachers working in our school, are methodically strong at the national level – there are teachers who take part in the creation and evaluation of the centralized examinations.
The school has defined a clear objective – to work specially with the innovations and creativity in science and technologies.Every year, a lot of study works from our school goes to national level, where it obtains the first and second places and recognitions. A lot of them. Gymnasium very actively participates in different kinds of competitions, wherever may be, and also achieves good results.
If we look from the perspective of centralized examinations, then we are one of the top schools in Latvia.In fact, a lot of us is now in very good places everywhere, and not only in Latvia, but also throughout the world. It is definitely one of the cores of education system in Sigulda region, in the sense that it is the final stage of all the other stages of education.
School that in a time of change purposefully provides targeted competencies-based education and development of competitive, creative, growth-oriented personality.
Sigulda State Gymnasium – innovative and prestigious educational institution, competitive in national and regional level, appropriate for 21st century educational needs.







Rūdolfs Kalvāns